CAD Design Services
Mechanical draughting services or otherwise known as computer-aided design is the process of placing ideas or concepts into a 3D environment to visually and critically evaluate the solution.
CAD is required in several instances. For example when a component needs to be manufactured by CNC machining, laser cutting or additive manufacturing (or 3D printed) to complete the engineering project. The CAD design files that can be generated also vary. The formats could take the form of IGES, STEP, Parasolid, STL, DXF and others necessary for a manufacturing process. These files usually accompany a manufacturing pack to help with the production of various components.
We have a team of designers from various backgrounds such as electrical, agricultural and mechanical industries that are available to assist you with creating the very needed CAD drawings and manufacturing pack to ensure minimum error with production and manufacturing.
Clients are billed per hour based on the type of work required.